Since the start of the education initiative in the village of Ban Pa Nor, a lot has been achieved, please see here a summary: Ban Pa Nor Initiative.
In order to bring the project on a sustainable, self-supporting level, the villagers decided to increase flower cultivation up to an area of 1 hectare. With the sale of the flowers on this bigger scale, the villagers will be able to pay all school fees and materials in the long run.To make this feasible, an ecological water irrigation and pumping system shall be installed comprising:
- a water pipeline of approx. 200 metres from a water source to the flower plantations, the water source is situated 100 metres below the irrigation area
- a water pump powered by photovoltaic solar cells
- a water irrigation system covering one hectare of flower beds.
Please support us in making this socially, ecologically and economically sustainable project real. By donating
- 50 CHF, 50m² of the water irrigation and pumping system are financed
- 100 CHF, 100m² of the water irrigation and pumping system are financed
- 10’000 CHF, you are financing the whole construction of the water and pumping system powered by solar energy.
In the long run, this initiative shall be extended to neighbouring villages. Already today, neighbouring villagers come to Ban Pa Nor to learn about flower cultivation. The vision is that by 2020 five more villages in the North of Luang Prabang will have healthy children that know reading and writing, and that the region will blossom with flowers and income.
Individuals or organisations interested in supporting this education and direct private development aid initiative technically or by donating in kind are also cordially welcome (please contact us, see details below). There are further sponsorship opportunities that can be customized.
For donations (in CHF and EUR) please use our bank account at WIR-Bank Genossenschaft Switzerland:
IBAN CH37 0839 1670 4378 1180 0 | BIC WIRBCHBB
Thank you very much!
All contributions arrive directly and unbureaucraticly in Ban Pa Nor.
In Switzerland, donations to above account are deductible from taxes, tax evidence documents will be sent out. Please indicate your email address on the payment order.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions and further information. or
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